Hoje é o dia dele!! Do meu cinquentão preferido!! Eu sou a maior fã desse cara que me ensinou tanta coisa, que cuidou de mim e me mimou sabiamente sem ultrapassar a linha de eu virar chata demais. haahaha
Today is his day!! The day of my favorite 50 year old man!! I am the biggest fan of this guy that taught me so much, that took care of me and spoiled me wisely, in a way that I didn't turn out too annoying.. haha
Today is his day!! The day of my favorite 50 year old man!! I am the biggest fan of this guy that taught me so much, that took care of me and spoiled me wisely, in a way that I didn't turn out too annoying.. haha
Papai, você é o melhor pai do mundo e eu não tenho palavras pra agradecer o pai do céu por ter me dado você! Você é um exemplo de pai, de homem, de líder, de pessoa. Você é um cara que todo mundo gosta, que é legal com todo mundo e eu admiro muito isso!
Daddy, you are the best dad in the world and I have no words to thank God for giving me you. You are an example of dad, man, leader, person. You are the guy that everybody likes, that is nice with everybody and I admire you a lot!
Daddy, you are the best dad in the world and I have no words to thank God for giving me you. You are an example of dad, man, leader, person. You are the guy that everybody likes, that is nice with everybody and I admire you a lot!
Você brilha a luz de Jesus por onde você for e você realmente vive Romanos 1:16: "Não me envergonho do evangelho, porque é o poder de Deus para a salvação de todo aquele que crê".
You shine the light of Jesus wherever you go and you truly live Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
You shine the light of Jesus wherever you go and you truly live Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
Você tem um coração bom, você ajuda tanto as pessoas e não é a toa que o Senhor te abençoa tanto!
You have a good heart, you help other people a lot and it's no coincidence that the Lord blesses you so much!
You have a good heart, you help other people a lot and it's no coincidence that the Lord blesses you so much!
Você é o meu churrasqueiro preferido. Você é uma benção pra esse mundo e pra mim! Obrigada por ter me dado um exemplo tão bom de como um homem de verdade tem que ser! Obrigada por se submeter a vontade de Deus e ter me educado de acordo com a Bíblia.
You are my favorite barbecue man. You are a blessing to this world and to me! Thank you for giving me such a good example of what a real man is! Thank you for submitting to God's will and for educating me according to the Bible!
You are my favorite barbecue man. You are a blessing to this world and to me! Thank you for giving me such a good example of what a real man is! Thank you for submitting to God's will and for educating me according to the Bible!
Sinto muitas saudades de você, de passear com vc e de estar perto.
I miss you so much, I miss hanging out with you and being around you.
I miss you so much, I miss hanging out with you and being around you.
Te amo muuuuuuuuuuito!!!
Que Deus continue te abençoando cada dia mais e que você sempre esteja no centro da vontade do Senhor. Que Ele conceda os desejos do teu coração (que eu sei bem qual é! :P)
I love you so muuuuuuuch!
May the Lord keep blessing you each day more and may you always be in the center of his will. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart (that I know very well what it is :)
I love you so muuuuuuuch!
May the Lord keep blessing you each day more and may you always be in the center of his will. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart (that I know very well what it is :)
Extra: Memórias com o meu pai | Memoirs with my dad
- Quando ele tava dirigindo, eu e o Seiti brincávamos de narrar a corrida. "O carro azul ultrapassou Eiki Hayashi, mas ele está acelerando e wow, ultrapassou novamente".
- When he was driving, me and Seiti would narrate the race. "The blue car is overtaking Eiki Hayashi, but he is accelerating and wow, he passed again".
- When he was driving, me and Seiti would narrate the race. "The blue car is overtaking Eiki Hayashi, but he is accelerating and wow, he passed again".
- Meu pai vivia me pedindo pra coçar as costas dele... não sinto saudades dessa parte.
- My dad used to ask me to scratch his back all the time... I don't miss this part.
- My dad used to ask me to scratch his back all the time... I don't miss this part.
- Comer pastel com coca de garrafa no café da manhã lá no ceasa.
- Eat pastel with glass blottled coke for breakfast at ceasa.
- Eat pastel with glass blottled coke for breakfast at ceasa.
- O pai comprava Hershey's Cookies and Cream pra gente toda vez que ele ia no Pacelli
- My dad used to buy Hershey's Cookies and Cream for us every time he went to Pacelli
- My dad used to buy Hershey's Cookies and Cream for us every time he went to Pacelli
- Eu e o Seiti puxávamos o pai pra ir no Palladium a tarde, e, na hora de ir embora, a gente sempre passava pra pegar coxinha.
- Me and Seiti would grab dad to go to Palladium in the afternoon, and before going home, we would always buy some coxinha.
- Me and Seiti would grab dad to go to Palladium in the afternoon, and before going home, we would always buy some coxinha.
- Quando tinha uva sem semente em casa, eu e o pai atacávamos e devorávamos tudo (:
- Whenever we had seedless grapes at home, me and dad would attack and devour it (:
- Whenever we had seedless grapes at home, me and dad would attack and devour it (:
- Coisas que aprendi sobre dinheiro com o meu pai: sempre arrumar em ordem da nota mais velha pra mais nova e SEMPRE gastar a nota mais velha antes // esconder $$ reserva na carteira
- Things I learned about money with my dad: always place the bills in the order from the oldest to the newest and ALWAYS spend the oldest first // hide some backup money in the wallet
- Things I learned about money with my dad: always place the bills in the order from the oldest to the newest and ALWAYS spend the oldest first // hide some backup money in the wallet
- Meu pai sempre foi a pessoa que me colocava pra dormir. Nos dias frios, ele fazia um sanduíche de cobertores per-fei-to, com tantas camadas, bem quentinho e organizado.
- My dad was always the person to put me to sleep. In the cold days, he would make a per-fect sandwich of blankets, with so many layers, very warm and organized.
- My dad was always the person to put me to sleep. In the cold days, he would make a per-fect sandwich of blankets, with so many layers, very warm and organized.
- Meu pai é muito bom de quebra-cabeça! Que diga o carrinho de supermercado e o porta-malas com mala de viagem!
- My dad is very good at puzzles! May the supermarket cart and the trunk before going on a trip speak for themselves!
- My dad is very good at puzzles! May the supermarket cart and the trunk before going on a trip speak for themselves!
Te amo papaiiii!!!
I love you daddy!!!
I love you daddy!!!