Acho que o último post foi meio pessimista (apesar de sincero hahaha) por isso eu meio que fiquei com um peso na consciência (e quase deletei o post), mas eu resolvi postar 9 coisas boas sobre o Japão. :)
I think the last post was a little bit pessimist (though sincere), so I decided to post 9 nice things about Japan :)
I think the last post was a little bit pessimist (though sincere), so I decided to post 9 nice things about Japan :)
1- O Japão é um país extremamente seguro, trancar as portas é só pra garantir, ou pra gente dormir tranquilo mesmo, porque o Japão é tão seguro que os roubos e crimes são super raros. Pra você ter uma ideia, se você esquecer uma sacola em algum lugar (num parque por exemplo) pode voltar lá depois que a sacola vai estar exatamente no mesmo lugar que você deixou.
1- Japan is an extremely safe country, you only lock the doors just in case something abnormal happens, because robbery and crimes are very rare in Japan. If you forget a bag or something (in a park, for example), you can come back there later and the bag will be exactly in the same place where you left it.
1- Japan is an extremely safe country, you only lock the doors just in case something abnormal happens, because robbery and crimes are very rare in Japan. If you forget a bag or something (in a park, for example), you can come back there later and the bag will be exactly in the same place where you left it.
2- O Japão está sempre florido! Os japoneses realmente dominam a arte da jardinagem! Eles conseguem fazer com que uma flor floresça quando a outra está morrendo e assim por diante. Sempre tem alguma coisa bonita pra se ver.
2- Japan is always bloomy! The Japanese really know the art of gardening! When one flower is dying, another is blooming and it goes on and on. There's always something beautiful to see.
2- Japan is always bloomy! The Japanese really know the art of gardening! When one flower is dying, another is blooming and it goes on and on. There's always something beautiful to see.
3- Os japoneses são muito prestativos! Se você estiver perdido e resolver pedir informação para qualquer um na rua, eles vão parar e te ajudar, mesmo se não falarem a mesma língua que você. É capaz até deles saírem da rota deles só pra te mostrar onde você precisa ir.
3- The Japanese are very helpful! If you are lost and decides to ask information to anyone on the street, they will stop and help you, even if you don't speak the same language. It's possible that they might even get out of their way to show you where you need to go.
4- Os japoneses adoram presentear! Coisas pequenininhas, comidinhas, várias coisinhas. É uma delícia receber os presentes aleatórios de japoneses. Não estranhe se ganhar algo que não seja muito 'presenteável', porque eles são assim mesmo.
4- Japanese people love to give gifts! Little things, foods, anything! It's very nice to receive random gifts from the Japanese people. Don't think it is strange if they show up with something that doesn't look like a gift, because they are just like that.
4- Japanese people love to give gifts! Little things, foods, anything! It's very nice to receive random gifts from the Japanese people. Don't think it is strange if they show up with something that doesn't look like a gift, because they are just like that.
5- Loja de Hyaku En: não preciso nem comentar mais, não é? O meu lugar preferido do Japão, até fiz um post especial sobre essa tal de Hyaku en. Olha aqui.
5- Hyaku en Shop: I don't even need to say anything, right? It is my favorite place in Japan, I even made a special post about this store. Check it out.
6- O Japão é um país muito limpo, ninguém sai jogando lixo pela rua. E isso que nem tem lixeiras na rua!
6- Japan is a very clean country, no one throws trash in the streets. And Japan doesn't even have trash cans around.
6- Japan is a very clean country, no one throws trash in the streets. And Japan doesn't even have trash cans around.
7- O serviço no Japão é impecável. Eles são extremamente eficientes e atenciosos. Ninguém te trata mal ou te olha com a cara torta.
7- The service in Japan is flawless. They are extremely efficient and friendly. No one treats you badly.
7- The service in Japan is flawless. They are extremely efficient and friendly. No one treats you badly.
8- Nos restaurantes, você não precisa ficar chamando o garçom. Tem um botão na mesa que você aperta e logo o garçom aparece. Também não cobram os 10%.
8- In the restaurants, you don't need to call the waiter. There's a button on the table and you push it and soon the waiter shows up. You also don't need to tip (they might not even accept).
8- In the restaurants, you don't need to call the waiter. There's a button on the table and you push it and soon the waiter shows up. You also don't need to tip (they might not even accept).
9- Os japoneses escolhem Jesus quando estão 100% certos de que é isso que eles querem. Por isso, quando eles se convertem, eles normalmente não voltam atrás, porque já contaram o custo e realmente decidiram seguir a Jesus, mesmo que desagrade a família e amigos deles.
9- When the Japanese people choose Jesus, they are 100% sure that this is what they want. This way, when they get saved, they usually don't turn back, because they've already counted the cost and decided to follow Jesus, even if that offends their family and friends.
9- When the Japanese people choose Jesus, they are 100% sure that this is what they want. This way, when they get saved, they usually don't turn back, because they've already counted the cost and decided to follow Jesus, even if that offends their family and friends.
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