Sempre tive o sonho de conhecer o Hawaii, e eu sabia que era algo impossível. Eu sabia que seria algo que teria que economizar a vida inteira para alcançar.
Mas Deus gosta das coisas impossíveis e tinha um propósito diferente.
I've always had the dream to visit Hawaii and I know it was something impossible. I knew I would have to save up my whole life to get it. But God likes the impossible and he had a different purpose.
I've always had the dream to visit Hawaii and I know it was something impossible. I knew I would have to save up my whole life to get it. But God likes the impossible and he had a different purpose.
Acabei indo ao Hawaii com 18 anos, não apenas para uma viagem de 15 dias, mas para ficar lá durante 3 meses, aprendendo sobre Ele. No final desse período, me mandaram para as Filipinas e lá, eu conheci o amor da minha vida, o Jesse (vulgo: Garoto do Bar) :P
I ended up going to Hawaii when I was 18, not only for a 15-day trip, but to stay there for 3 months, learning about Him. After this, they sent me to the Philippines and there I met the love of my life, Jesse :)
I ended up going to Hawaii when I was 18, not only for a 15-day trip, but to stay there for 3 months, learning about Him. After this, they sent me to the Philippines and there I met the love of my life, Jesse :)
Durante esse período fora do Brasil, Deus derramou o amor dele sobre mim e eu comecei a ter um relacionamento de verdade com ele. Ele me moldou e me mostrou coisas que antes eu não conseguia enxergar. Meu coração foi quebrantado pelas coisas que machucam o Dele.
During this time outside Brazil, God poured out his love for me and I started to have a real relationship with him. He molded me and showed me things that I couldn't see before. My heart was broken for the things that hurt His.
During this time outside Brazil, God poured out his love for me and I started to have a real relationship with him. He molded me and showed me things that I couldn't see before. My heart was broken for the things that hurt His.
Voltar pra casa foi difícil, mas após um longo período de readaptação, comecei a perceber que eu tinha mudado. Que eu não buscava a Deus para ver transformação em mim e que tinham coisas que me deixavam completamente triste. Uma tristeza diferente, que eu sabia que não era eu que estava sentindo. Era a tristeza que Deus sente por coisas que acontecem no mundo e que muitas vezes, nós, cristãos, sequer percebemos, porque estamos preocupados em só receber dele, ao invés de nos doar.
Coming back home was hard, but after a long time of re-adaptation, I started to notice that I had changed. That I didn't seek God to see a change in me and that there were things that made me really sad. A different kind of sadness, that I knew it was not me who was feeling. It was the sadness God feels for the things that happen in this world and that many times, us, Christians, don't even realize, because we are too busy trying only to get from him, instead of giving ourselves up.
Coming back home was hard, but after a long time of re-adaptation, I started to notice that I had changed. That I didn't seek God to see a change in me and that there were things that made me really sad. A different kind of sadness, that I knew it was not me who was feeling. It was the sadness God feels for the things that happen in this world and that many times, us, Christians, don't even realize, because we are too busy trying only to get from him, instead of giving ourselves up.
Foi aí que nasceu a minha visão:
That's how my vision was born:
That's how my vision was born:
Ver (e buscar) transformação
através de amor e
relacionamento com Jesus
See(k) transformation though love
and relationship with Jesus
See(k) transformation though love
and relationship with Jesus