A comida no Japão definitivamente não é só sushi. Quando cheguei aqui, descobri um monte de coisas novas, como por exemplo: onigiri, soba, ramen, takoyaki, etc. Esses são apenas alguns exemplos de comidas que você encontra em qualquer esquina, mas hoje eu vim falar sobre o sushi na esteira.
The food in Japan is definitely not only sushi! When I arrived here, I found lots of new things, such as: onigiri, soba, ramen, takoyaki, etc. These are only a few examples of foods you find at any corner, but today I came to talk about the conveyor belt sushi.
The food in Japan is definitely not only sushi! When I arrived here, I found lots of new things, such as: onigiri, soba, ramen, takoyaki, etc. These are only a few examples of foods you find at any corner, but today I came to talk about the conveyor belt sushi.
Eu e o Jesse demoramos muito para ir desde que chegamos aqui (eu estava com medo que só ia ter cru), mas depois que fomos conhecer, dá vontade de ir toda semana, pois é muito gostoso e barato.
Me and Jesse took a long time to go there (I was afraid there would only be raw sushi), but after going there, I want to go every week, because it is very yummy and cheap.
Me and Jesse took a long time to go there (I was afraid there would only be raw sushi), but after going there, I want to go every week, because it is very yummy and cheap.
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Opções, opções! Tem até sushi de hambúrguer!! | Options, options! They even have hamburguer sushi! |
Você chega lá, senta e tem uma esteira passando com os pratinhos de sushi. Em média, cada pratinho tem 2 sushis (o mais comum é o niguiri).
You get there, sit down and there's a conveyor belt passing with the sushi plates. In average, there's 2 sushis in each plate (the most common is the nigiri).
You get there, sit down and there's a conveyor belt passing with the sushi plates. In average, there's 2 sushis in each plate (the most common is the nigiri).
Você pode esperar passar na esteira o que você quer comer ou pode fazer o pedido no monitor. Se você fizer o pedido, o seu sushi vem em cima de um pratinho mais alto e o monitor apita quando estiver chegando. Chique né?
You can wait until the sushi you want comes by or you can order on the monitor. If you order it, the sushi comes on a higher plate and it makes a noise when it arrives. Fancy, huh?
You can wait until the sushi you want comes by or you can order on the monitor. If you order it, the sushi comes on a higher plate and it makes a noise when it arrives. Fancy, huh?
No final, você chama o garçom e ele conta o número de pratinhos na mesa para fechar a conta. Cada pratinho custa cerca de 100 ienes (1 dólar).
In the end, you call the waiter and he counts the number of plates in your table, so you can pay. Each plate costs about 100 yen, or 1 dollar.
In the end, you call the waiter and he counts the number of plates in your table, so you can pay. Each plate costs about 100 yen, or 1 dollar.
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Esse foi o resultado final da nossa ida ao sushi. Jesse 6 x 1 Erika. 4 meio a meio! :P | This was the result of our sushi date. Jesse 6 x 1 Erika. 4 half and half. |
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