Whoever follows me on Instagram might have seem the pictures of the Strawberry and Pumpkin Kit Kats I ate in Japan. Besides these two, I also tried the normal, the dark version and the matcha green tea.
Confesso que fiquei um pouco decepcionada com a oferta, pois eu imaginava que seria super fácil de encontrar os mais malucos sabores. Na verdade eu fui encontrar esses sabores diferentes quando eu estava literalmente indo embora do Japão... lá no aeroporto!
I admit that I was a little frustrated with what I found, because I imagined that it would be really easy to find the craziest flavors there. In fact, I only found these flavors when I was literally leaving Japan... at the airport!
Infelizmente, quando eu encontrei os tais dos Kit Kats, eu já não tinha mais ienes pra gastar :( Por isso eu tirei a foto... hahaha quem sabe um dia eu possa experimentá-los.
Unfortunately, when I found those Kit Kats, I didn't have any more yens to spend :( That's why I took the pictures... hahaha maybe someday I'll try them too.
Os sabores da foto, da esquerda para a direita de cima para baixo: Wasabi, Rum e Passas, Chili, Morango, Cheesecake de Morango, Chá Verde Sakura e Chá Verde.
The flavors on this picture, from left to right, top to bottom are: Wasabi, Rum and Raisins, Chili, Strawberry, Strawberry Cheesecake, Sakura Green Tea and Green Tea.
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