Tive que fazer uma rápida pesquisa pra tentar entender e acho que finalmente entendi o porquê das manifestações… O Brasil é a minha nação amada e meu coração e minhas orações tem estado no Brasil nos últimos dias.
It's so weird to be far away, without knowing exactly what's happening. Even stranger is when the story of our country changes and we have no idea how.
I had to do a quick research to try to understand and I think I finally understood why the manifestations... Brazil is my beloved nation and my heart and my prayers have been in Brazil in the last few days.
It's so weird to be far away, without knowing exactly what's happening. Even stranger is when the story of our country changes and we have no idea how.
I had to do a quick research to try to understand and I think I finally understood why the manifestations... Brazil is my beloved nation and my heart and my prayers have been in Brazil in the last few days.
Há cerca de um ano atrás, eu me 'comprometi' a orar todos os dias pela conversão da presidente Dilma. Ás vezes eu orava pelo governo dela também, mas confesso que ao ver as notícias e tudo mais, eu acabei desanimando e de uns tempos pra cá, tenho orado mais 'pra ver o que Deus faz'.
Around a year ago, I pledged to pray everyday to the conversion of the president Dilma. Sometimes I'd pray for her government, but I admit that every time I see the news I get discouraged and lately, I've been praying most 'to see what God does".
Around a year ago, I pledged to pray everyday to the conversion of the president Dilma. Sometimes I'd pray for her government, but I admit that every time I see the news I get discouraged and lately, I've been praying most 'to see what God does".
Cada vez que eu via uma notícia desanimadora nova (kit gay, descoberta disso… daquilo, bláblá…) eu me lembrava da época do mensalão e de como as coisas precisavam ser expostas pra haver uma solução. E aí entra um dos meus versículos preferidos:
Não participem das coisas sem valor que os outros fazem, coisas que pertencem à escuridão. Pelo contrário, tragam todas essas coisas para a luz. (Efésios 5:11)
(Que eu gosto em inglês: "Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them")
Every time I saw something discouraging on the news (gay kit, found this out, found that out... blabla...) I'd remember the times of the 'mensalão' (it was a time when someone in the government denounced people who were stealing and stuff....) and how things needed to be exposed in order to find a solution. So, here comes one of my favorite verses:
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them" {Ephesians 5:11}
Every time I saw something discouraging on the news (gay kit, found this out, found that out... blabla...) I'd remember the times of the 'mensalão' (it was a time when someone in the government denounced people who were stealing and stuff....) and how things needed to be exposed in order to find a solution. So, here comes one of my favorite verses:
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them" {Ephesians 5:11}
Enfim. Trazer as coisas para a luz.
Acho que isso define bem o que está acontecendo no Brasil: os absurdos cometidos pelo governo não estão mais debaixo dos panos, nem a indignação do povo brasileiro.
That's it. Bring it to the light.
I think this defines what's been happening in Brasil: the absurds that the government did and does is not hidden anymore, neither the indignation of the Brazilian people.
That's it. Bring it to the light.
I think this defines what's been happening in Brasil: the absurds that the government did and does is not hidden anymore, neither the indignation of the Brazilian people.
E, quando qualquer coisa é trazida para a luz, então a sua verdadeira natureza é revelada. Porque o que é claramente revelado se torna luz. E é por isso que se diz: “Você que está dormindo, acorde! Levante-se da morte, e Cristo o iluminará." {Efésios 5:13-14}
But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” {Ephesians 5:13-14}
Como eu já falei antes, tenho orado incessantemente pelo meu Brasil e vou continuar a orar, vou ser fiel na pequena tarefa que Deus me confiou e sei que ele é fiel pra responder as orações que eu faço pedindo justiça.
As I already said, I have been praying without ceasing for my Brazil and I will keep on praying, I will be faithful on the little task God has trusted my with and I know that he is faithful to answer the prayers I ask for justice.
As I already said, I have been praying without ceasing for my Brazil and I will keep on praying, I will be faithful on the little task God has trusted my with and I know that he is faithful to answer the prayers I ask for justice.
As pessoas tem sido convocadas a ir pra rua, a colocar panos brancos na janela... Eu, mesmo longe, também quero fazer uma convocação:
Vamos ganhar essa conquista na base da oração, vamos convidar o Rei dos Reis e Senhor dos Senhores a se envolver e trazer transformação no nosso país!
Vamos orar pelas autoridades, pois mesmo que sejam corruptas, elas foram instituídas por Deus. (Romanos 13:1) Vamos orar pra que haja transformação no modo deles pensarem.
Vamos orar pedindo perdão pelos pecados da nossa nação, pois "se o meu povo, que se chama pelo meu nome, se humilhar, e orar, e buscar a minha face, e se desviar dos seus maus caminhos, então eu ouvirei do céu, e perdoarei os seus pecados, e sararei a sua terra." (2 Crônicas 7:14)
People have been summoned to go to the streets, to put white cloths on the window... I, even from far away, also want to summon people to do something:
Let's conquer this based on prayer, let's invite the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to be part of it and bring transformation to our country!
Let's pray for the authorities, because even though corrupt, they were instituted by God. (Romans 13:1) Let's pray for transformation on the way they thing.
Let's pray asking for forgiveness for the sins of our nation, because 'if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.' (2 Chronicles 7:14)Ah, e leiam esse post também: "Se ela estiver bem, vocês também estarão"