"Pois é do interior, do coração dos homens, que procedem os maus pensamentos, as prostituições, os furtos, os homicídios, os adultérios, a cobiça, as maldades, o dolo, a libertinagem, a inveja, a blasfêmia, a soberba, a insensatez; todas estas más coisas procedem de dentro e contaminam o homem." Marcos 7:21-23
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft,murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” - Mark 7:21-23
Um pouquinho antes dessa passagem da Bíblia, Jesus estava dizendo que não é aquilo que a gente coloca pra dentro que nos torna impuros, mas pelo contrário, aquilo que sai de dentro de nós. Nisso ele mostra que a nossa natureza é realmente carnal!
A little bit before this passage on the Bible, Jesus was saying that it's not what we put inside our bodies that make us impure, but actually, what comes from the inside. In this, he shows us that our nature is really fleshly.
A little bit before this passage on the Bible, Jesus was saying that it's not what we put inside our bodies that make us impure, but actually, what comes from the inside. In this, he shows us that our nature is really fleshly.
Aqui no Japão, uma das minhas lutas mais constantes é não deixar que todas essas coisas - os maus pensamentos, as prostituições, os furtos, os homicídios, os adultérios, a cobiça, as maldades, o dolo, a libertinagem, a inveja, a blasfêmia, a soberba, a insensatez - tomem conta da minha mente. É muito fácil culpar o "ambiente espiritual" ou os "ataques do inimigo" em todos os momentos em que a minha carne 'vence', mas eu preciso renovar a minha mente e assumir que tudo isso faz parte da minha natureza pecaminosa e deixar o Senhor me transformar. É claro que o ambiente influencia - e muito - mas não pode ser desculpa pro meu jeito de agir. Se um pensamento mau, ou algo ruim SAIU da minha boca ou de mim, é porque estava DENTRO de mim e não porque estava ao meu redor.
Here in Japan, one of my main struggles is not to let these things - evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft,murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness - to take over my mind. It's so easy to blame the 'spiritual realm' and the 'attacks from the enemy' in all the moments when my flesh 'wins', but I need to renew my mind and admit that it is all part of my sinful nature and let the Lord transform me. Of course the realm influences - a lot - but that cannot be an excuse for the way I act. If a bad thought, or something bad CAME OUT of my mouth or from me, it is because it was INSIDE of me and not around me.
Here in Japan, one of my main struggles is not to let these things - evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft,murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness - to take over my mind. It's so easy to blame the 'spiritual realm' and the 'attacks from the enemy' in all the moments when my flesh 'wins', but I need to renew my mind and admit that it is all part of my sinful nature and let the Lord transform me. Of course the realm influences - a lot - but that cannot be an excuse for the way I act. If a bad thought, or something bad CAME OUT of my mouth or from me, it is because it was INSIDE of me and not around me.
Jesus, por favor transforma o meu coração. Eu não quero ter essa natureza pecaminosa dentro de mim e não quero usar o "ambiente espiritual" ou qualquer outra coisa como desculpa. Dá-me um coração como o teu e que de mim saiam somente os frutos do Espírito Santo.
Jesus, please transform my heart. I don't want to have this sinful nature inside of me and I don't want to use the 'spiritual realm' or any other thing as an excuse. Give me a heart like yours and that from me, only the fruits of the Spirit come out.
Jesus, please transform my heart. I don't want to have this sinful nature inside of me and I don't want to use the 'spiritual realm' or any other thing as an excuse. Give me a heart like yours and that from me, only the fruits of the Spirit come out.
Mas o fruto do Espírito é: o amor, o gozo, a paz, a longanimidade, a benignidade, a bondade, a fidelidade, a mansidão, o domínio próprio; contra estas coisas não há lei. E os que são de Cristo Jesus crucificaram a carne com as suas paixões e concupiscências. Se vivemos pelo Espírito, andemos também pelo Espírito. - Gálatas 5:22-25
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. - Galatians 5:22-25
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