Quem de vocês, por mais que se preocupe, pode acrescentar uma hora que seja à sua vida?
- Jesus (em Mateus 6:27)
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? - Jesus (in Matthew 6:27)
Ás vezes aquilo que Jesus falou é tão bonito na Bíblia, mas na vida real é tão difícil de aplicar, não é mesmo? Semana passada eu perdi muito tempo ficando preocupada com os meus dentes. Não preciso nem falar que foi a toa.
Sometimes the things that Jesus said look so beautiful in the Bible but on real life it's so hard to apply, isn't it? Last week I spent a lot of time being worried about my teeth. I don't even need to tell it was a waste.
Sometimes the things that Jesus said look so beautiful in the Bible but on real life it's so hard to apply, isn't it? Last week I spent a lot of time being worried about my teeth. I don't even need to tell it was a waste.
Bom, pra começar a história direitinho, dois meses depois de chegar no Japão minha unha começou a quebrar, meu cabelo quebrou e o meu dente começou a escurecer. Escureceu tanto que os meus pais perceberam (sem nem me ver pessoalmente!) e daí eles me mandaram ir no dentista. Sim, mandaram! (Lição #1: obedeça seus pais sempre, mesmo casada e morando no exterior!). Pra quem não sabe, meus dentes sempre foram muito fraquinhos, então ir no dentista pra mim é sinônimo de dor, tratar cárie, anestesia, mais dor, uma 'falsa' cura (pq não restaura o dente de verdade, né, só coloca resina...) e a pior parte, levar bronca do dentista mesmo sabendo que eu cuido direitinho dos meus dentes!
Well, to start the story well, two months after arriving in Japan my nails started to break, my hair broke and my teeth started to get dark. It got so dark that my parents noticed it (without even seeing me in person!) and they told me to go to the dentist. (Lesson #1: always obey your parents, even if you are married and living abroad!). For those who don't know, my teeth have always been very weak, so going to the dentist for me means pain, cavity treatment, anesthesia, more pain, a 'fake' healing (because it doesn't restore the teeth, but just fill it in...) and the worst part: be reprimanded by the dentist and knowing that I took care of my teeth!
Well, to start the story well, two months after arriving in Japan my nails started to break, my hair broke and my teeth started to get dark. It got so dark that my parents noticed it (without even seeing me in person!) and they told me to go to the dentist. (Lesson #1: always obey your parents, even if you are married and living abroad!). For those who don't know, my teeth have always been very weak, so going to the dentist for me means pain, cavity treatment, anesthesia, more pain, a 'fake' healing (because it doesn't restore the teeth, but just fill it in...) and the worst part: be reprimanded by the dentist and knowing that I took care of my teeth!
Mas os meus pais mandaram, então eu fui e marquei o dentista. Uma semana antes da consulta eu estava bem aflita, com muito medo de ouvir o pior, mas não fugi porque sabia que não ajudaria em nada. Fiquei a semana inteira pedindo que Deus curasse, restaurasse, mas ao ver que o meu dente estava mais escuro ainda, fui ficando mais aflita. Fiquei tão nervosa que um dia, eu tive que parar tudo pra orar e realmente entregar tudo pro Senhor.
But my parents told me to, so I made an appointment. A week before the consultation I was very afflicted afraid to hear the worst, but I didn't run away because I knew that it wouldn't help anything. I asked God to heal me the whole week, to restore me, but seeing that my teeth was even darker, I got more anxious. I was so anxious that one day, I had to really stop everything I was doing to pray and really surrender it to the Lord.
But my parents told me to, so I made an appointment. A week before the consultation I was very afflicted afraid to hear the worst, but I didn't run away because I knew that it wouldn't help anything. I asked God to heal me the whole week, to restore me, but seeing that my teeth was even darker, I got more anxious. I was so anxious that one day, I had to really stop everything I was doing to pray and really surrender it to the Lord.
Entregue suas preocupações ao Senhor, e ele o susterá; jamais permitirá que o justo venha a cair. Salmos 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalms 55:22
Lançando sobre ele toda a vossa ansiedade, porque ele tem cuidado de vós. 1 Pedro 5:7
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7
Foi instantâneo. Logo depois de fazer a oração eu já estava tranquila!
It was instant. Right after praying I was restful.
It was instant. Right after praying I was restful.
No dia seguinte, chegou a hora e o friozinho na barriga começou a me incomodar, mas eu acho que eu estava mais ansiosa pra acabar com a espera e descobrir de uma vez o que tinha no meu dente e o que eu teria que tratar.
The next day, the time arrived and the butterflies on my stomach started to annoy me, but I think I was more anxious to end this wait and find out what I had on my teeth and what I'd have to treat.
The next day, the time arrived and the butterflies on my stomach started to annoy me, but I think I was more anxious to end this wait and find out what I had on my teeth and what I'd have to treat.
Chegamos lá e o dentista me olhou por uns 2 minutos e deu o diagnóstico: não tinha cárie, era só mancha causada por tomar chá! CHÁ!!! Aí a higienista foi lá, limpou meu dente e poliu, sem dor nenhuma e tcharam, o dente ficou branquinho de novo! Mal dava pra acreditar que aquilo que tinha me estressado tanto era um problema tão pequeno!
We arrived there and the dentist looked at me for 2 minutes and gave me the diagnostic: no cavities, only stain caused by drinking tea! TEA!! Then the hygienist cleaned and polished my teeth, with no pain and tcharam, my teeth was write again! I could barely believe I was so stressed over something so small!
We arrived there and the dentist looked at me for 2 minutes and gave me the diagnostic: no cavities, only stain caused by drinking tea! TEA!! Then the hygienist cleaned and polished my teeth, with no pain and tcharam, my teeth was write again! I could barely believe I was so stressed over something so small!
Daí eu finalmente percebi como eu tinha perdido tempo me preocupando com algo que sempre esteve no controle de Deus. Vale a pena entregar tudo nas mãos dEle. Ele sabe o que vai acontecer no futuro. E mesmo que o problema no meu dente tivesse sido enorme, valeria a pena ficar se estressando? Lógico que não!
Then I finally realized how much time I lost by worrying at something that has always been in God's control. It's worth putting everything into His hands. He knows what will happen in the future. And even if the problem on my teeth was huge, would it be worth stressing about it? Of course not!
Then I finally realized how much time I lost by worrying at something that has always been in God's control. It's worth putting everything into His hands. He knows what will happen in the future. And even if the problem on my teeth was huge, would it be worth stressing about it? Of course not!
Jesus, me ajuda a não me preocupar mais e sim, entregar todos os problemas e angústias a Ti, pois só o Senhor sabe o que vai acontecer lá na frente. Obrigada por carregar os meus fardos.
Jesus, please help me not to worry anymore, but to surrender all my problems and anguish to You, because only You know what will happen in the future. Thank you for carrying my burden.
Jesus, please help me not to worry anymore, but to surrender all my problems and anguish to You, because only You know what will happen in the future. Thank you for carrying my burden.