Basicamente, tudo o que temos que fazer é abrir mão de tudo, dos nossos direitos e entregar tudo pra Ele.
Porém, a parte do livro que mais me tocou foi sobre HUMILDADE.
Um costume havaiano é tirar os sapatos quando você entra em uma casa. No Brasil, eu quase nunca estou descalça e tudo bem que um dos motivos é o frio, mas as pessoas não vêem com bons olhos uma pessoa que está descalça.
Moisés tirou as sandálias ao entrar em terreno santo e no contexto em que ele vivia, isso significava não ter direito nenhum, como um escravo.
Andar descalço significa abrir mão de certas coisas.
Jesus foi o cara que abriu mão de tudo. Abriu mão do direito de ser Deus, abriu mão de casar, abriu mão de ter dinheiro e até mesmo de ter uma boa reputação.
Jesus abriu mão do seu direito pela VIDA! E é assim que nós devemos viver a nossa vida. Como Jesus viveu, devemos entregar as nossas vidas por amor a Ele e assim teremos a vida verdadeira :)
Marcos 8: 34 e 35
"E chamando a si a multidão com os discípulos, disse-lhes: Se alguém quer vir após mim, negue-se a si mesmo, tome a sua cruz, e siga-me.Pois quem quiser salvar a sua vida, perdê-la-á; mas quem perder a sua vida por amor de mim e do evangelho, salvá-la-á."
Entregando os nossos direitos de volta pra ele, nós demonstramos o amor que sentimos por Ele.
E Jesus não pede que a gente entregue coisas que ele mesmo não entregou.
Eu não quero mais colocar meus sapatos...
It is about some areas of our life we have to submit to God so he can be the Lord.
Basically, all we have to do is give up all our rights and surrender everything to Him
However, the part of the book that touched me most was about HUMILITY.
A Hawaiian custom is to take your shoes when you enter a house. In Brazil, I'm never barefoot and one reason is because i live in a cold city, but anyway, people do not see welcome a person who is barefoot.
Moses took off his shoes when entering holy ground and in the context in which he lived, this meant not having any right, like a slave.
Walking barefoot means giving up certain things.
Jesus was the guy who gave up everything. Relinquished the right to be God, gave up marrying, gave up and even have money and to have a good reputation.
Jesus gave up his right for LIFE! And that is how we should live our lives. As Jesus lived, we must surrender our lives for love of Him and so we will have true life:)
Mark 8: 34 and 35
"And He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them: If anyone would come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.Pois whoever would save his life will lose it will, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it. "
Surrendering our rights back at him, we demonstrate our love for Him
And Jesus does not ask us to deliver things that he did not deliver.
I do not want to put my shoes ...
Basically, all we have to do is give up all our rights and surrender everything to Him
However, the part of the book that touched me most was about HUMILITY.
A Hawaiian custom is to take your shoes when you enter a house. In Brazil, I'm never barefoot and one reason is because i live in a cold city, but anyway, people do not see welcome a person who is barefoot.
Moses took off his shoes when entering holy ground and in the context in which he lived, this meant not having any right, like a slave.
Walking barefoot means giving up certain things.
Jesus was the guy who gave up everything. Relinquished the right to be God, gave up marrying, gave up and even have money and to have a good reputation.
Jesus gave up his right for LIFE! And that is how we should live our lives. As Jesus lived, we must surrender our lives for love of Him and so we will have true life:)
Mark 8: 34 and 35
"And He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them: If anyone would come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.Pois whoever would save his life will lose it will, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it. "
Surrendering our rights back at him, we demonstrate our love for Him
And Jesus does not ask us to deliver things that he did not deliver.
I do not want to put my shoes ...
confiança como pés descalços ; ) postei sobre isso tb.
ResponderExcluirlindo! to muito feliz por vc, japa! quero emprestado estes livros! hehe